Articles, Media & Tools
Welcome to the Community Resources of the Facilitator Directory!
Here you will find a selection of articles that members have written, as well as links to the world-wide known ‘Knowing Field’, an international journal of Systemic Constellations that has been available to the community prior to social media. It holds an incredible amount of insights, sharings, and explorations.
A store is available for your wants and needs in purchasing a book, video or dvd as well as other tools: Hellinger DC
We are particularly proud to have been successful in collecting some rare articles from the founder of the Constellation Process: Bert Hellinger.
And of course we have a variety of video’s available, both for the beginner to Systemic Constellations and and the well-versed Facilitator or Trainer.
Naturally – we continue to collect resources. Feel free to send what you have for us to include:
And would be delighted to hear from you!
Introduction to Constellation Work
What are Family Constellations? – Barry Krost
Our Families, Our Selves – Bert Hellinger
“Family Constellations”:
An Innovative Systemic Phenomenological
Group Process From Germany – Dan Booth Cohen
Bert Hellinger Articles
An Interview with Bert Hellinger (2002) – Harald Hohnen
An Interview with Bert Hellinger – Martin Buchholz
Only Love Has a Future (2005) (translated from German) – Bert Hellinger
Bert Hellinger – The Man: Childhood Time in South Africa, Religious Beliefs and More – Compiled by Jack Blackwell
Our Families, Our Selves – Bert Hellinger
The Alpha, Bert Hellinger, 2001
Omega Insitute USA
Bert Hellinger on Spirituality, 2001
Omega Insitute USA
Family Constellation Articles
Systemic Optimism – Francesca Mason Boring
Using Figures for Family Constellation with Individual Clients – Jakob Schneider
What’s So Important about Being a Representative? – Caren Borowsky
Case Study: Hidden Family Dynamics
Behind Loneliness in Relationships – Ekaterina Kosorukova
Spirituality & Health Art – Louise Danielle Palmer
Valley Voice Magazine Article –Jan Hull
Diana Claire Douglas in conversations with Anngwyn St Just – Trauma and our Human Condition: interviews with Anngwyn
Evidence-based Constellation Studies
How Many People Are Gathered Here?
Group Work and Family Constellation Theory – Jane McQuillin and Enid Welford
Family Process, Volume 53, Number 2, June 2014!
Improving Experience in Personal Social Systems through Family Constellation Seminars: Results of a Randomized Controlled Trail – Christina Hunger†, Annette Bornhäuser†, Leoni Link†, Jochen Schweitzer†, Jan Weinhold†
Constellation Videos
Bert Hellinger and Dyrian Benz Interview
Conversations with Colleagues – December 14, 2022
Family Constellations – Katarina Wittich
Rupert Sheldrake on Morphic Fields and Systemic Family Constellations
Bert Hellinger Talk at Fordham University 2004
What is Family Constellations? – Oscar Westra Van Holthe
Introduccion Constelaciones Familiares with Liza Maron (spanish)
Introduction to Family Constellations with Brigitte Sztab
One of the things I love about Family Constellation work with Elaine Dilley
Family Constellations Can Change Your Life (31 minutes)
This is an introduction to Family Constellation that explains Bert Hellinger’s Orders of Love, the loyalties and the entanglements we can have in our Family System, and how we can start the healing process with Family Constellations.
Short Introduction of Family Constellations (2 minutes)
Brief and straightforward explanation of Family Constellations.
Interrupted Movement or Break of the Bond With Our Mother (5 minutes)
This video explains the interrupted movement or break of the bond with our mother and how that affects our lives.
Order of Love: Belonging (7 minutes)
This video teaches you about the order of belonging and why this is so important for our lives.
Order of Love: Hierarchy (7 minutes)
This video explains the order of hierarchy and the importance of being in our place and our role in the Family System.
Orders of Love: Giving and Receiving (5 minutes)
In this video, you can learn about the order of giving and receiving and why this is important in our relationships and work.
Healing with Acceptance (3 minutes)
Healing with acceptance helps us heal and enjoy our present life without waiting for things to change or to be different.
Entanglements: Why do we have them? (3 minutes)
In this video, I talk about the entanglements in the Family System and why we have them.
Constellations in the Stages of Healing And Introduction to Family Constellations (Emily’s Vast)
The SystemicVR 3D software tool allows systemic facilitators, coaches and trainers to create constellations with 3D virtual characters. Virtual constellations can be viewed from above as well as through the eyes of the representatives. In an online session (for example with Zoom or Teams) users can view the constellation and even control a 3D representative themselves.
Online Constellation Board
Online visual constellation board. Work with your clients with the online system board at any time and from any place and support solutions that are as fast as they are sustainable.
Online Fields
The Online Fields method provide the tools and instructions so you can apply your own systemic knowledge and facilitation skills while your client and representatives are remote.