Dan Cohen, PhD
Professional Titles
Systemic Constellations Trainer, Business Mentor and Facilitator
Constellation Training
Bert Hellinger, Dr. Albrecht Mahr, Eva Madelung, Gunthard Weber, Hunter Beaumont, Jakob Schneider, Ursula Franke
Year Began Facilitating
More about my practice:
Dan’s clinical practice specializes in helping individuals, couples and families heal the effects of inherited trauma and fulfill their desires for having more love and deeper impact in their lives. He has a strong interest in healing generational trauma inherited from war, genocide and the legacy of slavery. Combining a near-encyclopedic knowledge of world history, mythology and culture with an uncanny psychic awareness, Dan offers clients profound and transformative healing while expanding understanding and restoring peace of mind. Prior to obtaining a PhD in psychology and training with Bert Hellinger as a Constellations facilitator, Dan was internationally known for his work in violence prevention and conflict resolution. A former Strategic Planning consultant for the Director of the Los Alamos Laboratory, he pivoted away from weapons’ research to become a founding member of the City of Cambridge Peace Commission in 1981. For 40 years, he has dived deep to understand the origins of violent and hostile urges that darken the human heart. Since 2000, he has become a leading voice for incorporating personal, ancestral and spirit consciousness into therapeutic practices. Dan Cohen holds a PhD in psychology from Saybrook University and an MBA from Boston University. He is author of I Carry Your Heart in My Heart: Family Constellations in Prison and numerous scholarly articles and book chapters. Dan has led Seeing with Your Heart workshops and training courses in 18 countries in Europe, Asia, Australia/New Zealand, South America and throughout the United States.
Phone Number
Providence, International
Rhode Island
Constellation Field
Family Constellations, Online Constellations